Drone Video of the year

Drone Video of the year

 1st Dec 2018 |  Blog |  richyg

Join in - upload your videos for a chance to win the coveted prize of drone video of the year!


First prescription delivery by drone

First prescription delivery by drone

UPS and CVS in the US announced that on the 1st November they carried out the first revenue-generating drone delivery of prescription medicines. This . . . represents a huge step for the industry as governments and public start to accept that in some circumstances drones are not only fit for purpose but might even save lives. This was done using the M2 drone system by Matternet. Matternet have developed a last mile solution combining vans and drones that allow the vans to do the bulk of the work while the drones can deliver in close proximity.
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National Drone Safety Awareness Week

National Drone Safety Awareness Week

The week of 4th to 10th November 2019 heralds the first National Drone Safety Awareness week in the US. The idea is to educate the public about drones . . . and drone laws and to improve communications and relations between the public and the industry. This forms part of a wider education and awareness campaign that is encouraging drone users to fly safely and responsibly. For more info check out the FAA's drone week site.
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Enterprise level operations - Kittyhawk

Enterprise level operations - Kittyhawk

If you're looking for one app that kinda does it all then Kittyhawk comes pretty close. It's built with commercial operations in mind - from . . . pre-flight assessments to planning missions to logging flight data. If you're in the US it will even facilitate authorisations to fly from the FAA... What more could you want. Check it out! Kittyhawk.io
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