Training packages

Training packages

Full package


Comprehensive 2-day OS training course accredited with the IAPC&M and access to The OS lessons and materials. See below for more information.

Basic package


Half-day OS training course and access to The OS lessons and materials. See below for more information.

Coaching taster package


3.5-hour training workshop teaching staff basic coaching tools and strategies to boost performance, mental health and wellbeing in schools. See below for more information.

Pupil leadership package


3.5-hour training workshop focusing on leadership qualities, communication skills, public speaking, decision-making, problem solving, project management and basic coaching and mentoring skills. See below for more information.

Pupil coach & mentor package


2.5-hour training workshop focusing solely on coaching and mentoring skills- includes basic safeguarding training. See below for more information.

Parent / Guardian package


1-hour training workshop teaching parents basic coaching tools and strategies to boost performance, mental health and wellbeing at home. See below for more information.

Interested in one of our packages or how to train to be a professional School Coach?

For more information about our packages or how to train as a professional School Coach with Noble Manhattan Ltd, see below. Alternatively you can call us on 02036910184, email us at or send us a contact form.

Our packages in detail

Price £2,950

Full package

What will you learn?

  • Full and comprehensive training on how to deliver The OS programme. This includes training on how to deliver:
    • An eight-week OS course for every year group of your school.
    • 'Basic coaching services'. This includes how to use core tools, techniques and activities from The OS courses and lessons to: coach pupils 1:1 in short 10-20 minute sessions on basic performance and wellbeing issues; set up a basic coaching service that supplements existing counselling services; coach each other, school staff and themselves and deliver stand-alone workshops, assemblies and/or talks for pupils, parents or staff.
  • Basic coaching skills to help boost performance, mental health and wellbeing in your Primary or Secondary school.

What will you receive on completion of this course?

  • Certificate acknowledging your completion of a course accredited with The International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentors (IAPC&M).
  • Permission to deliver The OS courses and 'basic coaching services' in Primary or Secondary Schools (as the case may be) as a 'fully qualified OS Coach'.
  • One-year access to The OS lessons and materials. Runs for a typical school year, from September to July in the following year. Important note: The OS lessons and materials are updated anually. Acess to these is subject to a nominal yearly fee of £120.

How long will it take?

This course will take staff two days to complete and is run as an inset training at your school. Alternatively the training can be delivered as a series of eight 1.5-hour workshops or four 3-hour workshops. These workshops are run by one of our senior trainers. Alternatively we can train a master trainer within your school to deliver them.

Important note on costs and time commitment

The fee quoted above covers 30 staff members – extra staff members are £100pp. This fee is also based on a typical Primary or Secondary School, comprising seven-year groups each.  If your school does not comprise seven year groups (such as Infant Schools and Sixth Form Colleges), then please call us to discuss how this fee and time commitment will be reduced.

Training centrally and cost-share agreements with other schools or NMC

Every year we run this training at different schools throughout the UK  or in central London with Noble Manhattan Coaching Ltd (NMC) – if you would prefer to send just a few staff members to one of these trainings, contact us to see when the next training will be. The cost per staff memeber is £395 and will be attractive to host schools or NMC as it will reduce their overall fee for the training. Please contact us for a list of all up and coming training dates. Alternatively click here.

Price - £1,250

Basic package

What will you learn?

An overview of how to deliver The Other Subject programme in your primary or secondary school.

What will you receive on completion of this course?

  • A coaching and wellbeing training workshop.
  • CPD certificate.
  • Permission to deliver The OS courses in a Primary or Secondary School as a 'basic OS Coach'.
  • One-year access to The OS lessons and materials. Runs for a typical school year, from September to July in the following year. Important note: The OS lessons and materials are updated anually. Acess to these is subject to a nominal yearly fee of £120.

How long will it take?

3.5 hours

Important note on costs

The fee quoted above covers 30 staff members – extra staff members are £50pp.

Price - £750

Coaching taster package

What will you learn?

Staff will be taught the fundamental principles of coaching and ten powerful coaching tools to help boost performance, mental health and wellbeing in your school.

What will you receive on completion of this course?

  • A coaching and wellbeing training workshop.
  • CPD certificate.

How long will it take?

3.5 hours

Important note on costs

The fee quoted above covers 30 staff members – extra staff members are £50pp.

Price - £750

Pupil leadership package

Who is this for?

Pupils who have been selected for a leadership role within the school. E.g. School Prefects, Head Boy, Head Girl, Head Team/Committee.

What will pupils learn?

  • Leadership qualities.
  • Powerful communication skills.
  • Public speaking.
  • Decision making and problem solving.
  • Project management.
  • Basic coaching and mentoring skills and tools.

What will they receive?

Certificate of Completion -  Pupil Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring Skills.

How long will it take?

3.5 hours

Important note on costs

The fee quoted above covers 15 pupils – extra pupils are £50pp.

Price - £750

Pupil coach and mentoring package

Who is this for?

Pupils who have been selected to coach and mentor other pupils.

What will pupils learn?

  • Qualities of a great coach and mentor.
  • Coaching and mentoring tools.
  • Powerful communication skills.
  • Basic safeguarding.

What will they receive?

Certificate of Completion - Pupil Mentoring and Coaching.

How long will it take?

2.5 hours

Important note on costs

The fee quoted above covers 15 pupils – extra pupils are £50pp.

Price - £350

Parent / Guardian package

What will parents/guardians learn?

Parents/guardians will be taught the fundamental principles of coaching and five powerful coaching tools that will help boost performance, mental health and wellbeing at home.

How long will it take?

1 hour

Important note on costs

The fee quoted above covers parents of one-year group only. If required for extra year groups at the same time, it is £75 per extra year group.

Training to become a professional School Coach

School coaching has become increasingly popular in schools. This is why some of the best schools in the UK now offer a professional coaching service alongside traditional counselling services.

Given the increasing popularity of coaching in schools, we are constantly being asked about further education in this area and how individuals can formally qualify as a professional School Coach.

However, up until recently, there has been no higher-level professional training for this service in the education sector.

We are delighted to announce that the leading coaching college in Europe, Noble Manhattan Coaching Ltd (NMC) has now filled this gap and are one of the first training bodies in the world to offer such a training. Since 2017, they have offered the following courses:

School Coach Certificate - This course is only open to individuals who are already fully qualified as a coach or counsellor. This course can be completed with respect to Primary School aged children or Secondary School aged children or both. It would appeal to individuals who would like an extra notch on their belt so that they can professionally coach children and young people both in and out of a school setting. This course is a blended-learning course and can be completed around full time work and family commitments in 6 months.

Practitioner and School Coach Diploma  - This diploma gives individuals a double qualification, permitting them to work with adults and children/young people both in and out of a school setting.  The diploma can be completed with respect to Primary School aged children or Secondary School aged children or both. This course is a blended-learning course and can be completed around full time work and family commitments in 12-18 months.

All individuals who complete a training package with The OS Team enjoy discounts with NMC, should they wish to carry on with one of these higher level training courses in school coaching. Any individual who has completed the 2-day OS training also enjoys an  extra discount and credit given that this training also forms part of both courses.

For more information please contact the NMC team  on 01305898074 or